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  • #2140615

    Static routing problem

    by bracken66 ·


    In the study at one end of my house I have fibre broadband and a BT Hub2 router.
    My PC is connected to this by CAT5 cable.
    At the other end of the house – on a different ring main I have:
    Another PC, a smart TV and a printer, interconnected via TP-Link Powerline adaptors.
    These don’t work across ring mains because of the RCDs on the breakers.
    The gap is bridged by a Wavlink AC1200 WiFi extender into another Powerline adaptor
    This all works extreamly well.
    The problem is that the Wavlink does NAT translation from to, class C.
    From the far PC I can ping everything on both subnets
    From my PC I can only ping the 1.0 subnet
    I have put a static route into my PC:-
    route -p add mask
    where 1.196 is the local static port on the Wavlink
    I can now ping 10.1 which is the far port on the wavlink but no other devices on the 10.0 subnet.

    Does anyone have any ideas please on how to sort this routing so I can talk to the printer?

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    • #2415660
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      To me it sounds like the Wavlink is in ROUTER MODE.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Static routing problem

      To be clear I’ve never seen your issue fixed with routes. We fix this by a redesign, cable or other methods.

      • #2415647

        static routes

        by bracken66 ·

        In reply to To me it sounds like the Wavlink is in ROUTER MODE.

        thanks for the reply
        I have checked the Wavlink again and I am in repeater mode. If it was practical to run cat5 I would have loved to have done so, but unfortuatly not. Is there any other possibility. When I was in the business we used to put static routes across Cisco routers as routine.

        • #2415636
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          As to the GFI blocking the powerline.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to static routes

          It’s odd to have GFI on normal outlets. Try plain outlets next time.

          Back to the maker as your note about to tells me it’s not in repeater mode or this model works differently from others. Repeaters I’ve seen do not create another LAN.

        • #2415631

          Your comment about GFI

          by bracken66 ·

          In reply to As to the GFI blocking the powerline.

          I see you are from USA.
          In UK the latest domestic mains power distribution regulations specify an individual earth leakage detector on every circuit in the consumer unit. This is for two reasons. If you have an earth fault you only trip the individual circuit and can therefore see where the fault is. Secondly earth leakage is cumulative across multiple circuits and can trip a whole consumer unit device when there is no specific fault. – All new or modified systems use this system.

          Don’t forget, the UK along with almost every other country, except the USA and half of Japan have a domestic voltage of 220V.

          Powerline adaptors do not like working across multiple ringmains at the best of times, but if you have individual circuit protection, forget it.

          As for the Wavlink, the switch on the side says “repeater” and according to the wiring diagrams both other modes involve cable connection from the router to the Wavlink. Just spent an evening on Google and have found nothing except for a reference to the fact that some extenders do use NAT.

          This is bugging me so will keep searching. Can’t be the only one to have hit this.

        • #2415620

          Wavlink answer

          by bracken66 ·

          In reply to Your comment about GFI

          Very strange, decided to do some experiments, more experiments !!!!

          Unplugged it, switched it to AP mode, waited 2 minutes, plugged back in. Eventually, wifi indicators go to maximum but WPS light does not come on and local PC will not talk to anything.

          Repeated the above with it switched to router mode. same result.

          Switched back to repeater mode and waited until WPS light on and stable. Rebooted local PC, again, and ipconfig now shows a address. I can now talk to it across the Wavlink and print from the remote printer.

          Problem solved but presumably this is a bug in Wavlink software.

          Thanks for your help.

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