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  • #3958078

    Stolen mobile phone – have MAC address

    by nmcmeechan2003 ·



    Had my mobile phone stolen on a day out, stupidly it did not have a lock or pin on it 🙁
    Someone has logged into my Netflix account 5 days later and have the MAC address.

    I have now changed my Netflix password.

    What is the play? I do not wish to get the police involved (if possible) and have an area in which the login happened.

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks all!

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      Reply To: Stolen mobile phone – have MAC address

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Stolen mobile phone – have MAC address

      I have to assume you are referring to a cellular phone and not a cordless home phone. If my assumption is correct, contact your cellular provider and report the phone as stolen. They shouldn’t require you to file a police report but will likely encourage you to do so. It won’t cancel your phone # or cellular account, but once the phone is reported lost/stolen, nobody else but you can reactivate it.

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