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  • #2092550

    Stumped by WP5 problem


    by invictus ·

    I’m trying to solve a problem with an HP4000 printer on a PII 400 running windows 98 and wordperfect 5 through a DOS window. Ever so often the printer produces a blank sheet with smiley faces when printing from the wordperfect and even mpre serois sometimes it freezes the whole machine. The setup used to work on a windows 95 machine and the beta version of Win98 and I have tried using the latest drivers for both wordperfect and windows. Short of reverting to the old system is there any effective and lasting fix?

    B. Chipande

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  • Author
    • #3882248

      Stumped by WP5 problem

      by tkeys ·

      In reply to Stumped by WP5 problem

      First, are you running windows 98 second
      edition? If not, get service pack I. If you
      are running second edition, are or did you do
      a clean install (i.e. not an upgrade)? If
      this is a clean install with windows 98
      second edition then boot your system to a dos
      prompt and reinstall wp5.

    • #3865283

      98 2nd Ed?

      by colorado tech ·

      In reply to Stumped by WP5 problem

      Get 98 2nd ed or load the sp. Reload the drivers for the printer and if that doesn’t work disable bi-directional communication. The smiley faces and hearts indicate a communication or driver problem.

      • #3861558

        98se OK

        by invictus ·

        In reply to 98 2nd Ed?

        The machine is running win98se clean installed and running properly. The smiley faces and the “12345x” it prints are realy just an annoyance the real probem is that the pc displays and out of memeory message(in Windows) then dies. I have been able to narro it down to the memory allocation in the PIF and the problem only seems to arrise when either printing or previewing a document that has been altered many times during the session. I hope that clarifies it.

        • #3861429

          What application

          by colorado tech ·

          In reply to 98se OK

          What application are you using to print from. Do you have sufficient hard drive space and memeory. Are you trying to edit phots?

        • #3865710

          Re: What application

          by invictus ·

          In reply to 98se OK

          I’m trying to print from Word Perfect 5 in a dos window. The machine is a PII 400 with 64mb memory and at least 4Gb available (free) harddisk space.

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