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  • #4152611

    Suggestions Regarding Tool Website

    by hamzaoffpageseo ·

    I have just made a new website named as count sentences for which I need coding suggestions for counter tool for its development.

    Note: link to website deleted by moderator as spam.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.

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    • #4152628
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      Reply To: Suggestions Regarding Tool Website

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Suggestions Regarding Tool Website

      I typed “a.b.c.” in the window (without quotes) and asked your site to count. It counted 1 word, 7 characters, 1 paragraph, 4 sentences and an estimated reading time of 1 minute.

      My coding suggestion is to NOT count more sentences than words or paragraphs. We can’t really give suggestions about the coding since we don’t see your javascript or whatever language you used for your site. Make a test plan with test cases and you coded right if it gives the right answers.

      And, sorry, especially if your username ends on “seo” we delete the link as site promotion.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4152642

      Reply To: Suggestions Regarding Tool Website

      by jd7180669 ·

      In reply to Suggestions Regarding Tool Website

      Certainly, creating a sentence counter tool for your website can be a useful feature. Here’s a high-level overview of how you could implement this using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang=”en”>
      <meta charset=”UTF-8″>
      <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>
      <title>Sentence Counter</title>
      <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>
      <h1>Sentence Counter</h1>
      <textarea id=”inputText” placeholder=”Enter your text here”></textarea>
      <button id=”countButton”>Count Sentences</button>
      <p id=”result”>Number of Sentences: 0</p>
      <script src=”script.js”></script>
      CSS (styles.css):
      body {
      font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

      header {
      background-color: #333;
      color: white;
      text-align: center;
      padding: 1rem;

      main {
      max-width: 600px;
      margin: 0 auto;
      padding: 2rem;

      textarea {
      width: 100%;
      height: 150px;
      padding: 1rem;
      margin-bottom: 1rem;

      button {
      padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
      background-color: #333;
      color: white;
      border: none;
      cursor: pointer;

      button:hover {
      background-color: #555;

      p#result {
      font-weight: bold;

      document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function () {
      const inputText = document.getElementById(“inputText”);
      const countButton = document.getElementById(“countButton”);
      const result = document.getElementById(“result”);

      countButton.addEventListener(“click”, function () {
      const text = inputText.value;
      const sentences = text.split(/[.!?]+/).filter(sentence => sentence.trim() !== “”);
      const sentenceCount = sentences.length;

      result.textContent = Number of Sentences: ${sentenceCount};

      This example provides a basic sentence counter tool. When the user enters text into the textarea and clicks the “Count Sentences” button, the JavaScript code splits the input text into sentences and displays the count on the webpage.

      Please note that this is a simple implementation. Depending on your requirements, you might want to enhance error

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