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  • #4008123

    Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field


    by dotnetnerd ·


    I’m in a continuing education series for programming. Anyone care to share how you got started into the field and suggestions for beginners to begin a programming career. Thanks in advance!

    Hoping for some simple answers/suggestion.

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    • #4008143
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      For me it was practice, practice, practice.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field

      I took early programming courses long ago in Fortran IV and PL/1 which laid the foundation of how to write code. Not great code but good enough for the day.

      I didn’t get to use that for years as I needed to work but eventually I got a job as a tech in a big company. My goal was to move closer to what I really wanted to do (it’s not entirely programming.) It was electronics design and we were in the time of big changes where embedded computing was taking off. By learning more about embedded computing I went on to design and program so many things that I lost count years ago.

      So here’s the deal. There’s no way you can go take a course, or get a degree today and get a programming jig like in the old days.

      Just like how to get to Carnegie Hall you practice, practice, practice. Keep taking those programming courses to learn and add to your repertoire.

      • #4008278

        Reply To: Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field

        by dotnetnerd ·

        In reply to For me it was practice, practice, practice.

        Thanks for the reply. So, what type of titles did you have? I see a lot for “Developer”. “Programmer” less so nowadays. I appreciate your time.

    • #4008857

      Reply To: Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field

      by davidsharpe2020 ·

      In reply to Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field

      Knowledge is important, the more i learned the easier it was for me to understand programming. Just takes time and patient. First time making a site like this one,, its not looking good yet but i been learning HTML, everything is new to me but i know with knowledge and practice its all possible.

    • #4008860

      Another big tip

      by davidsharpe2020 ·

      In reply to Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field

      I really recommend to just follow mentors who had major success, i always watch youtube videos on whatever i am pursuing, so if you want to learn more about your field just look it up on youtube, or read a book, books are good as well to learn more. Good luck!

    • #4015769

      Reply To: Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field

      by ErickBQTaylora ·

      In reply to Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field

      I’m not a programmer, but my two brothers have successful IT careers.

    • #4150283

      Reply To: Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field

      by mbrrecruitment2023 ·

      In reply to Suggestions to get into the IT/Programmer field

      Choose a language to focus on first, like Python or JavaScript, and build some small projects to practice. Find a programming mentor who can offer advice and guidance.

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