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  • #2144101

    Surface pro issues with large word doc crashing

    by brcprop ·


    Hi all, I need to produce large docs including 800 photos ( sometimes up to 400 pages, 78MB) on a surface pro using a word template but I get to about 80 photos , press save and its freezes or is stuck and I cant continue to use it to finish the work, I have to use a regular camera then upload all the photos to the document on the desktop and label each pic, very tedious and time consuming !! So how can I use the tablet to complete the whole document with the above occurring? Thanks

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  • Author
    • #2422971

      Word Issue

      by smith_j100 ·

      In reply to Surface pro issues with large word doc crashing

      The issue seems to be with your Office Word. Check for the latest word update.

    • #2422969

      You have 2 major issues here

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Surface pro issues with large word doc crashing

      The first is that Word isn’t the proper piece of software to use to make a document like this. It is limited and doesn’t work well when you start to fill it up it slows right down to a crawl and if you continue it will eventually crash and fall over.

      The second issue is what you are using to make the document it LACKS PROCESSING POWER AND MEMORY so by it’s very nature it is slow to begin with and when you start to overload Word it gets slower to the extent that most people find it unusable.

      Easy answer is you CAN NOT USE ANY TABLET to make something this big in Word even if Word would support it and by inference if you use a High End Desktop to make the document it is unlikely to be readable on a Tablet.

      Many years ago I used to use a Corel Program for extremely large Documents/Files which worked a treat but I can’t remember what it was and I very much doubt that it is still an active product as everyone started using PDF Type Files for Documents to large for Word.

      So I would suggest here you use a Desktop System to make the document with lots of power and then save it as a PDF which just may allow Tablet users to read it.

      Just as an aside will the Tablet you are using actually have enough Space to hold a 80 Meg File?

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