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  • #2324673

    Syncing files automatically from laptop


    by rgrowcock ·

    Here is my situation: I have a user that has both a laptop, with W2K Pro, and a desktop, with NT 4.0. This user does development on the laptop, which he takes home each night. Currently, he copies his changed files to the desktop machine before leaving for backup.

    Here is what I need to do: I want to be able to copy the files from the laptop to the desktop, daily and automatically. This would prevent the user from having to copy his files to the desktop each day.

    I use DataArmour formy backup solution and this works fine. The problem with DA is that if a file is open, that file is skipped which defeats my backup.

    Does anyone have an idea about what I could use to synchronize these files? I just had a thought about the “Briefcase” on W2K. Would it be possible to set a scheduled event on the laptop that would sync these files when it is plugged into the network and logged on? Anyone have any thoughts?


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    • #3398159

      Syncing files automatically from laptop

      by gigelul ·

      In reply to Syncing files automatically from laptop

      Read about from resource kit.

      “If Robocopy encounters recoverable network errors whilst scanning directories or copying files it will simply wait a while and retries the operation. You can control the time between retries and the number of retries to attempt before giving up.”

      In “network user profile on laptop” you can run a special logon script or a scheduled task which run this tool.

      • #3408905

        Syncing files automatically from laptop

        by rgrowcock ·

        In reply to Syncing files automatically from laptop

        Went with the Robocopy.exe utility. After a little work, I finally got it to work correctly. Now when my user logs his laptop into the network, his files are copied. Thanks for the info! Roger

    • #3408904

      Syncing files automatically from laptop

      by rgrowcock ·

      In reply to Syncing files automatically from laptop

      This question was closed by the author

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