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  • #3950167

    Taskbar widgets

    by usoopgod47 ·


    So incase anyone else is having the issue of your start menu instantly closing as soon as you click it with the latest update. Disable the widgets that sits directly beside the start button. Since the last update, my start menu has been closing instant every time I opened it by using the actual keyboard key. I finally figured this out today.

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    • #3950187
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      Need more information

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Taskbar widgets

      Are you referring to a Windows update? If so, are you referring to the change to Windows 11? Your fix would make more sense with more explanation.

    • #3950607

      Reply To: Taskbar widgets

      by usoopgod47 ·

      In reply to Taskbar widgets

      So incase anyone else is having the issue of your start menu instantly closing as soon as you click it with the latest update. Disable the widgets that sits directly beside the start button. Since the last update, my start menu has been closing instant every time I opened it by using the actual keyboard key. I finally figured this out today

      I got this..

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