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TCP/IP Forwading Help Needed
LockedWe have an HP LC3 server with 2 NICs installed, NT 4.0 with SP5, IP forwarding on. The server itself can route print jobs to print servers on either network leg, however any other attempt on the network to communicate from one leg to the other doesnot work. More specifically, we are using a machine (win 98, SE2) on leg 1 to dial up the internet through our ISP. We have set up this machine to use internet sharing. All of the machines on leg one can be configured with the IP address of this internet sharing machine as their default gateway, and our standard ISP’s DNS server as the default DNS address and internet access works fine. The leg two machines however can not see anything on leg 1. My two legs are running through HP Pro Curveswitches. Has anyone got an ideas for configuring this network so both legs can see each other?