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  • #2272657

    tcp/ip problem


    by lday610 ·

    I have a small network of win2k pc’s. I just made a ghost of 2 to make room for 2 new ones. I have tcp/ip and netbuis protocols on all. i have dhcp assigning all ip addresses. 2 people on the network say they can’t log on when everyone else is logged on. If tey get there early they are fine to log in. How do I correct this problem and avoid it in the future?

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    • #2718481

      Reply To: tcp/ip problem

      by kenv ·

      In reply to tcp/ip problem

      Your not clear on what you did with the image (ghost). My guess is you created the image without running sysprep. This is possibly creating a situation where two pc’s are trying to access the network with the same computer account.

    • #2718358

      Reply To: tcp/ip problem

      by haileyan ·

      In reply to tcp/ip problem

      Yes use sysprep before imaging. Also disjoin the PC from the domain even before doing Sysprep.

      Here is a link to info on using Sysprep:

    • #2718229

      Reply To: tcp/ip problem

      by bfilmfan ·

      In reply to tcp/ip problem

      Sounds like you have duplicated SID’s.

    • #2712313

      Reply To: tcp/ip problem

      by evojnovich ·

      In reply to tcp/ip problem

      My guess would be that you didn’t change the netbios names of the computers after you ghosted them. Make sure the machines all have unique netbios names.

    • #2706862

      Reply To: tcp/ip problem

      by coolflip ·

      In reply to tcp/ip problem

      Hehe..easy one. Why would you use netbui when you have tcp/ip running. You can just have tcp/ip and configure your DHCP correctly. Netbui is for small networks so there is no need for this protocol.

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