Telegram – not secure?
hi there
I use PC not Android (only on transport) and installed Telegram to get away from WhatsApp – I read on many sites that TG is INSECURE cos its not true end2end encryption but instead server/client encryption…why?
the FAQs for Telegram mention SECRET CHATS are the ONLY true E2E encryption in their program,,, yet it does not exist?so I do some digging over 2 days, turns out TG also created TG+ which DOES have secret chats but your normal chat is same as TG – they should have amended the FAQs to say this but haven’t – I emailed the security team about it a week back and no reply…
I’ve gone to wire..but people are reporting it being really slow with everyone jumping from WA
can anyone with real knowledge on good ‘open source’ IM with E2E chats that’s not in a 14EYE jurisdiction (google it), that have a smallish user bases>?