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  • #2140484

    telephony platform connection lost

    by isaacgabriel618 ·


    Hello, I’m having an issue with an agent at a call center I work at. Agent is consistently getting a message “telephony platform connection lost”. He uses a program called Dialconnect and makes calls in a program called DC Softphone. When “telephony platform connection lost” comes up it always tries to re-acquire a connection. Any ideas?


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    • #2414936
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      Back to the company.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to telephony platform connection lost

      Their company would have an IT lead to address system issues. You might work there but such systems are not simple enough for all employees to fix it.

      Since it’s a softphone, my usual first move is to swap out their PC since PC issues are all too common and not worth investing any time. We swap the machine out and reload it later.

      • #2414935

        Still ongoing.

        by isaacgabriel618 ·

        In reply to Back to the company.

        Thanks for your response. I am one of the IT members. Very low experience. The first thing I did is reinstall the programs. Then I had the user change desks and use a different port and pc. Still the same thing is happening.

        • #2414934
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          Then your next call

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Still ongoing.

          Is to the company that made those apps. Remember that I take it by “change desks” they didn’t bring any gear with them. Sometimes new IT leave out details. Here I don’t know the app’s maker so I can’t do any research for you.

        • #2414929

          Company app name

          by isaacgabriel618 ·

          In reply to Then your next call

          The name of the company is called dialconnection. Yes the agent has no personal gear. It’s given by our company.

        • #2414925
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          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Company app name

          1. Remember I take it that you did not keep any gear from one location to the next. This matters when working these issues.
          2. Back to dialconnection to see what they want to try.

          I did try to look up which system you were using before and they came up. There’s not much in the way of prior discussions on their product but they do have their own support and sales so call them up and see what they want to do.

          If they can’t fix it (always a possibility) then you begin your search for replacements.

        • #2414923
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          PS. Here’s an example why there’s so little offered.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Then

”dialconnection”+troubleshooting finds so little about this solution.

          It’s also why I can only share how I’d approach the problem.
          You or your company paid for this so get back to the seller and maker about how to fix the problems or what to replace it with.

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