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  • #4103195

    TestCafe Support for Salesforce Lightning version

    by heyyybabu914 ·

    Facing issues with Salesforce Lightning version. After login not able to perform any actions or select on any records. Facing error popup ‘Sorry to Interrupt’.

    Will TestCafe support Salesforce Lightning version?

    Used TestCafe version 2.2, 1.14.0

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    • #4103360
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      Reply To: TestCafe Support for Salesforce Lightning version

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to TestCafe Support for Salesforce Lightning version

      TestCafe “is a … testing framework for web applications”. So assuming Salesforce Lightning is a web application I should say it does. Why do you doubt? And why do you think a test tool would help to solve your issues?

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4103697
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      “2 Months” ago.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to TestCafe Support for Salesforce Lightning version

      This usually means you are trying something unsupportable to very rare and arcane.

      All the Saleforce systems I know cost money so I can’t look at this directly. Since these are products you pay for, ask those you pay for support.

    • #4103978

      Wait time

      by Kefian ·

      In reply to TestCafe Support for Salesforce Lightning version

      @Kees_b and @rproffitt both make good points. TestCafe should work with web applications like Salesforce Lightning in theory, but there could be specific elements or configurations causing the issue.

      The ‘Sorry to Interrupt’ error might be due to Salesforce’s built-in security measures that might be blocking certain automated actions. Have you tried adding some wait time or using the ‘debug’ function to slow down the test and see what’s happening?

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