This really depends on what your needs are
oh smeg
about 5 years, 1 month ago
In reply to Thinking about getting a laptop instead of PC, is that good?
But generally speaking a Good Desktop is much more powerful than a NB, can have parts swapped out as required and be upgraded easily. So if you need a better graphics card it’s a easy swap you can even change the CPU to something faster depending on what M’Board you have used none of which is possible with a NB as all chips are part of the Main Board and are not possible to change easily at least and even then only for what was there previously.
Desktops also generally speaking have the ability to carry more RAM and be better configured so they run faster than a NB will in Single Channel Mode which may not be possible to run in Dual Channel Mode depending on the Main Board used.
So overall if you do not need to be mobile and like to select or upgrade your computer or need the Processing Power a Desktop is the better cheaper option. But if you need to move the computer around don’t ever consider upgrading the thing and never change components then a NB will suit your needs.
What I have found here is as I use both a NB is great when I’m mobile but if I need Sheer Processing Power my Desktop is my main machine that just works and has much more power than my NB and I do not have to worry about overheating issues or vibration damage as the Desktop doesn’t get moved when it is running which is not something that can be said for a NB.
Also if you want a High End NB try looking at the Gigabyte Range they make most of the High End NB for the Big Name makers and from my experience tend to be much more reliable but I would recommend that you fit a Cool Pad to it and one of the better ones not a $5.00 one you get on E Bay.