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  • #2347080

    Time sync problem


    by lengwei6803 ·

    I got this error message from my Novell 4.11 server.
    “directory service:could not open local database,it is inconsistent.Try to correct the error with DSREPAIR.nlm”

    followed by this
    Single server aren’t incompatible with reference and primary servers and shuld notfollow secondary servers.This server polled:”Myservername-tree_ _ _ _A@@@dprj”
    The time exhanged was ignored”

    Everytime i tried to run dsrepair the message in the console saying
    “Directory servers remains locked error -618
    Process completed”

    please advise.

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  • Author
    • #3633689

      Time sync problem

      by jimbb ·

      In reply to Time sync problem

      First get your timesync functioning. You have a mix of reference and /or primary and/or single reference servers. As it says, a “single reference” wants to be the only one giving time, it can only have “secondary” servers with it. I guess your troublesome server is a primary, that tried to convice a single somewhere that it should negotiate. I can’t judge from here how the timesync config should be, but try to make it as simple as possible:
      -1 SINGLE, the rest SECONDARY
      (just examples, a more detailed config depends on your servers, their purpose, the WAN connections and so one).

      Correct these configurations in Servman.nlm, and then unload/load timesync.nlm.

      Don’t try to fix any DS problem before your time is in sync.

      Once your time is synchronized, check Novell TID 10010921 ( to solve the -618 problem.


    • #3617924

      Time sync problem

      by jimbb ·

      In reply to Time sync problem

      By the way, due to this “User Deleted” problem I know you’ll never be able to rate this question, but I do would like to know any developments, positive or negative.


    • #3617055

      Time sync problem

      by lengwei6803 ·

      In reply to Time sync problem

      This question was closed by the author

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