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  • #2142264

    To get the idea about people privacy concerns..

    by jacob thomas ·


    Hi all!
    Is this me or happened with others too?
    Ever discussing about something say for example to buy a new chair or gonna visit a place with your friend and you have never searched about it on google and facebook for recommendations, but suddenly after a day you start seeing ads of the chair dealers and travel agents near you.
    Is this someone listening me?
    Is it my phone listening me?
    No matter whoever is listening, but it can lead to serious privacy concerns in future.
    This time our voice is being used for ads re-targeting but may be in future something terrible could happened.
    Sometimes it is too annoying to see ads of the things that you dont want to see in public.
    Is there any way to stop this?
    And what is the future of this technology?

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    • #2417994

      What makes you think you have any privacy online?

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to To get the idea about people privacy concerns..

      In answer to your question here you searched for that chair somehow be that through a Search Engine or logging into a Web Page and searching that Web Page.

      Every Web Site you visit leaves Cookies on your device and they retain a list of your searches and over time refine those searches so you only see what you want.

      Retargeting Ads is only the low end everything you search is redirected to you be that things you want to see up to news so if you search for Crooked Hillary you’ll only ever see news reports relating to claimed Criminal Activity by Hillary. None of which is actual News just what you want to read to reinforce your beliefs that everything that person does is wrong and everything your prefered Pollie does is right.

      This is the ULTIMATE FAKE NEWS as you asked for it and only ever get to see what you want to read and have no idea of what is actually happening. The scarier thing is however when you see something you do not want to see you believe it is FAKE NEWS as you have never seen things like that previously so you do not believe it and that further reinforces your belief that you are right and everyone else is wrong.

      The entire thing is Social Engineering mostly directly attributable to Antisocial Media Sites but these days every Web Site which is Optimised to sell to you what that site wants to.

    • #2417960

      How to stop seeing annoying ads

      by pooja1588142131 ·

      In reply to To get the idea about people privacy concerns..

      You can enable chrome’s pop-up blocking feature, it will stop showing annoying pop-up ads.

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