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  • #2140987

    To help support `KIND=` of systemd-networkd.

    by picherg ·


    I have managed to use many interfaces such as veth (for propagation),
    gre (for routes), erspan (for mirroring). But sometimes there is no support and
    an error is declared in the log:

    systemd-networkd: `erspan0: Received newlink with wrong KIND erspan, expected gre`

    for example, when using gre mode, 3 interfaces are automatically created gre0, gretap0, erspan0. But sometimes when i worked with the veth mode, sometimes it turns off for 1 month, and then there is his support again, that is, he is pulled out for a while. And then again there is support, i don’t know where this change of circumstances comes from. It looks like this is the work of the developers themselves, there is a briefing that talks about it:

    I want to use traffic mirroring from tap0 to the network card, to break up the converted traffic issued from the server vpn. Is there any way to solve this problem and not use systemd-networkd?

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