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  • #2291061

    To share printer in Win 2000 network


    by julioairizar ·

    I have a little network without DOMAIN of 4 PCs with Win 2000 Pro SP2 installed. One of this PC is sharing Internet access and the printer directly connected to this PC. If in any of the others PC you go to Printers folder, you will see that the printer is disable (gray letters and Icon) an is click on it, the message in red letters saying “the printer is not connected” appear and of course you can not use it. Now, if before doing that you access the PC sharing the printer thru Network Networkhood and type user name and password when is prompted, the printer in the Printers folder will be ready and connected and accesible for everybody. But when the PC are shuttdown or restarted, in order to use the printer, you have to do all proccess again.
    What to do so the users of the others 3 PC can use the printer without accesing first thru Network networkhood and the printer be enable and accesible every time thay start Windows or restart the PC?

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    • #3291061

      Reply To: To share printer in Win 2000 network

      by bfilmfan ·

      In reply to To share printer in Win 2000 network

      In a peer-to-peer network, the users will have to authenticate to the printer.

      If you establish a domain, the users authenticate to a domain and the domain controller would grant them access to the printer based on who was assigned rights.

      The answer to your question is to:

      Never turn off the PC’s and make sure users are always logged in.


      Set up a domain controller.

    • #3292592

      Reply To: To share printer in Win 2000 network

      by p.j.hutchison ·

      In reply to To share printer in Win 2000 network

      You need user names and passwords the same on the shared PC as the one you are logged into, to authenticate against it or enable the Guest user.

    • #3292528

      Reply To: To share printer in Win 2000 network

      by julioairizar ·

      In reply to To share printer in Win 2000 network

      Friends, I really don’t understand and sorry by my ignorance. But I have the same little network in other place, but this time with Windows XP Pro SP1 and don’t have that problem. The shared printer in the PC sharing Internet ADSL access is always available, every day, when the users start Windows and without going first thru “My Network Networkhood”. I know Windows 2000 and Xp are not fully equal, but are very similar.
      Any ideas?

    • #3292526

      Reply To: To share printer in Win 2000 network

      by blackcurrant ·

      In reply to To share printer in Win 2000 network


      Open the properties for the printer, select security and add all the users, giving them rights to manage the documents/printer. The next time they connect, they will already be authenticated and be able to use the printer.

      Good luck

    • #3292458

      Reply To: To share printer in Win 2000 network

      by julioairizar ·

      In reply to To share printer in Win 2000 network

      This question was closed by the author

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