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  • #3988593

    Traffic Light App

    by GreatDane90 ·


    Hi, we are looking for an existing app that helps us with the following: our business is located at the end of a very long and remote dirt track which only allows 1 car at a time. Since we have clients, providers etc. going up and down the track all day we need a system that allows anybody to announce that they are on the track so as to avoid that others enter the track and they meet without being able to pass. We are thinking about an app (android and apple) designed as a sort of traffic sign where drivers (anyone) can turn the light on red when they enter the track and change it back to green as they leave the track. This info would need to be visible to anyone else in real time. Is there something similar that already exists? In case not, can it be developed?

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    • #3988594
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      Re: app

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Traffic Light App

      Certainly this can be developed. But note that it goes wrong if anybody forgets to block the road when he enters and – even more important – if he forgets to unblock it when leaving it.

      Why not use conventional traffic signs? Any company that makes and installs these can install a fool-proof system for you: press a physical button and get a green light. A car coming one minute later from the same side can get green also, unless somebody else from the other side gets priority.

      • #3988596

        Traffic Light app

        by GreatDane90 ·

        In reply to Re: app

        A regular trafic light is no option at the moment. There’s no electricity available and installing a battery/solar panel trafic light will almost certainly be robbed within the week. Also it would have to be installed on a property that is not ours

        • #3988599
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          Re: app

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to Traffic Light app

          Then have the app developed. It can be smarter than you specified by allowing more than one car in the same direction simultaneously.

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