
  • Creator
  • #2143763

    Training for Salesforce and Mulesoft

    by msschramm1 ·


    My office is part of a much larger organization that is transitioning to Salesforce and MuleSoft. I coordinate a number of developers who have been working in .NET and Java, and need training.

    For some reason (staff availability, probably), corporate IT is pushing MuleSoft training first. This seems backward to me. None of the team leads have particularly strong ideas, mostly because it’s all really new.

    So, I need opinions. Should I focus on getting my people into Salesforce first or accept that starting with MuleSoft is fine?

    Any and all thoughts are welcome. TIA.

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  • Author
    • #2421718

      Salesforce Implementation

      by info1570546052 ·

      In reply to Training for Salesforce and Mulesoft

      No matter how big or small your company—or the Salesforce CRM project—success requires planning, commitment, and strong sponsorship from your company’s executive team. It’s also critical that you understand the needs of your managers and users before getting started. Without a detailed understanding of these needs, it’s easy to go overboard in customizing the application just because it’s so easy.

      Here are the 5 steps to a successful implementation:

      Plan and prepare
      Set up and customize
      Deploy Salesforce CRM
      Drive adoption
      Continuously improve.

    • #2421827

      Mulesoft and Sales force training

      by pranavipinky456 ·

      In reply to Training for Salesforce and Mulesoft

      It’s based on your requirement, and on your interest, whether you have to go with salesforce or Mulesoft training, whether the project is small or big.

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