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  • #2082195

    translator software


    by poruk ·


    I’m trying to find some info about language translator software and ongoing projects. can anybody help me with this.

All Comments

  • Author
    • #3901778

      translator software

      by mcorr ·

      In reply to translator software

      Language translators by and large aren’t very good, as they tend to mistranslate all but proper sentances.

      Systransoft ( makes a decent one, that is used for the Babel fish page at Altavista (

      • #3741478

        translator software

        by poruk ·

        In reply to translator software

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3896160

      translator software

      by kwangern ·

      In reply to translator software

      I agree with the information provided by him, sorry forgot your name.
      anywayz, I would like to further question people. what kinda of programming language do they use to make such a remarkable program? my idea is that it must have million of codinglines. Is there a system in making a program like that? If so how? I am really interested in knowing. ;-}

      • #3741479

        translator software

        by poruk ·

        In reply to translator software

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3741457

      translator software

      by poruk ·

      In reply to translator software

      This question was auto closed due to inactivity

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