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  • #2142174

    Trouble overclocking an R5 3600

    by tatune ·


    Build specs:

    Case: meshify C with great airflow

    CPU: r5 3600

    CPU Cooler: Be Quiet Dark Rock Pro 4 250W

    Mobo: AsRock b450 Pro 4

    A couple days ago I got a overclock of 4175@1.325ish to post and loaded up a game I like, played for 5 minutes, and went to sleep. I also let it run in prime 95 a while and was happy with the results. No errors. Next morning, no post, so I let it be at default till today when I had the time to gift it another shot. Here are my tries and results. I think I am missing something. My bios setup is settings fans to the mode I want, and XMP enabled. That is the groundwork I start with every time. Then I go into OC tweaker, set the top overclock mode to manual, and then go to CPU settings and set it to manual and I change the clock speed and core voltage. I leave SOC as manual.

    4000@1.1 NO POST

    ^1.15 NO POST

    ^1.2 NO POST

    ^1.25 *POST*

    4100@ 1.3 NO POST

    ^1.325 NO POST

    ^1.35 NO POST

    ^1.3675 NO POST

    ^1.375 NO POST

    ^1.4 NO POST

    4050@1.250 NO POST

    In Ryzen Master I am able to set clocks to significantly higher, pass Prime95, run c-bench15 cleanly but setting from bios and I fail. I think I am missing a setting in Bios. First pc I’ve built, I want to run my r5 to its fullest (safe) potential. I have a beefy cooler on it and know it can go further. What am I setting wrong in bios?

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    • #2416643
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      May want to find an overclocker forum.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Trouble overclocking an R5 3600

      Anything beyond it’s stock 3.6GHz is not a sure thing. I can’t duplicate the web here about what helps in overclocking as I will miss a detail for sure.

      Not only must you tinker with what you have but may have to push up voltages. The problem here is that you risk an early system death but hey, your system to play with.

      I’ve rarely seen pushing the CPU from say 3.6 to 4.0GHz to help in gaming. I find that making sure the rest of the system is spot on to help here. That is, the RAM is in dual channel, the GPU is current and there are no HDDs in the system.

    • #2416641


      by bob.b ·

      In reply to Trouble overclocking an R5 3600

      Before you play in this area get the latest bios and drivers for the mobo.

      Overclocking the 3600.,6287-2.html

      If I run ‘asrock b450 pro4 overclock’ through google I see some reading.

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