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  • #2141850

    trying to delete linux partitions

    by sesosu-29475563945451057446130031033089 ·


    i recently i installed linux mint dual-booted with windows. linux is performing weird and i want to try to delete it or reinstall it or install another distro. i watched a tutorial on how to remove linux, in the tutorial it showed that i need to delete partitions. i don’t know what are the linux partitions. i have 5 partitions that i dont remember making. if you know how to locate linux partitions it would be amazing

    Thanks in advance
    oh and im a newbie so sorry if there is not enough info

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    • #2418327

      Use the installation media for Mint

      by wizard57m ·

      In reply to trying to delete linux partitions

      If it was a USB thumb drive, DVD or whatever, boot with that and there is supposed to be an option to remove Mint. This should also remove the partitions that Mint creates when installed. Try this first, if it works, GREAT, if not, then there are other much more technical methods to use. So let’s try rerunning the installer first.
      Note: I do not recommend attempting using Windows to remove Linux partitions unless you know what you are doing.
      Follow the guidelines in the installer…failure to do so could leave your machine in an unbootable state!

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