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  • #3937497

    Unable to open a system backup file in .adi forn

    by blairmichael59 ·

    A system backup from a WIN 7 desktop was taken back in 2019 with a size of 29gb.
    I require to access this file but was unable to do so.
    Trawled the web and was advised to try Active@Disk Image – downloaded the evaluation version and tried to work my way through it without any success – tried ‘disk to image’ ‘create raw image’ image to disk’ etc but was stumbling around in the dark – no real idea of what I was doing.
    I also downloaded File Analyzer App which advised the .adi file could actually be a .bin file?
    Still stuck – have tried to access the .adi file from Win 10 laptop and Win 7 desktop.
    The reason I require access is because someone tried to upgrade the desktop OS from Win 7 to Win 10 – managed to wipe everything and no way back without access to this .adi file.
    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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    • #3939600
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      Re: restore

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Unable to open a system backup file in .adi forn

      Assuming that you used the native backup used by Windows 7, and that you now run Windows 10, I’d start with the following 2 methods:

      1. See if restoring as instructed in works. But this will overwrite your current Windows 10 and everything in it.

      2. Install a version of Windows 7 (no need to activate it with a license) and see if the native restore restores the old Windows 7 by fully overwriting the temporary one you installed. It would be an very good idea to do this on another HDD or SSD, so you don’t need to overwrite your current Windows 10 and your files and settings in it, and can transfer the files you need to your OS of choice later.
      In fact, this would be the first thing I’d try.

      • #3939599


        by blairmichael59 ·

        In reply to Re: restore

        Many thanks for your prompt response.
        I tried this initially with no success – will try again on the original wiped PC.
        Why wont this .adi file open?

        • #3939597
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          Re: open .adi file

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to restore

 says “You can open an ADI file in Active@ Disk Image Explorer (Windows). To do so, select File → Open Image… from the program’s menu bar. Then, navigate to and open your ADI file.”

 tells more.

          So the why is rather simple to answer: (1) you didn’t use that program, or (2) you didn’t choose that option in the program you used. After all, “create [new] image” looks like something else as “explore [old] image”.
          A tip for the future: if you make any other backup than a simple file copy, look at it right away and don’t forget how to do that.

        • #3939596


          by blairmichael59 ·

          In reply to Re: open .adi file

          Thanks for the reply.
          I don’t have ‘open image’ option on Active@ Disk Image
          Tried ‘explore image’ – get message ‘The file is not a valid image
          It wasn’t me who performed the 2019 system backup.

        • #3939595
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          Re: not a valid image

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to restore

          Then it looks like you can’t get files out. Sorry to read that.

          Other useful tips for the future:
          (1) Have more than one backup copy of what you don’t want to lose.
          (2) At least one of those should be a simple file copy that you can open on any PC in any Windows, without any need for some application program.
          (3) Safe at least one backup off-line (cloud, external hard disk, USB-stick) so it can’t be damaged by ransomware).
          (4) Never let anyone do such things as wiping your disk without your permission. Upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 10 can be done without losing any setting, data or installed program.

    • #3945945


      by OrphusGorn ·

      In reply to Unable to open a system backup file in .adi forn

      Hi Mike,

      Just wondering if you were able to find a solution to this issue? I’m in the same pickle and haven’t seen mention of it anywhere else on the internet.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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