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  • #2084630

    Updating my files


    by jerom ·

    I am independent designer of software, I carry the modifications which the clients request to their places on disks, be accustomed to carry out small changes at the place of the client and does go back to my office, but sometimes forgets update my copies from the disks that I brought.
    ?how could I make sure that does I have latests changes in my hard disk? (I am not a native spoken, sorry for my english)

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    • #3780126

      Updating my files

      by joepizzi ·

      In reply to Updating my files

      There are two keys to ensuring that you always have the latest revision. The first is that you ALWAYS update the same set of files. The second is that you ALWAYS work off the latest files. This means that you keep one set of master files, and make all changes to those files. Taking a set of floppies to a client’s location, and installing the files to their machine, then updating the installed files is NOT a way to do this. You probably want to look into revision control products. I have even seen some web-based products. These may be ways to help you with achieving these steps.

      • #3769031

        Updating my files

        by jerom ·

        In reply to Updating my files

        revision control products? where in the web?

    • #3780082

      Updating my files

      by nhartley ·

      In reply to Updating my files

      I use RoboCopy v1.96 for replication here on our network. You can do some wonderous things with a good batch file and this handy utility. I imagine that putting copy of this on a floppy or your clients hard drive could help you out. RoboCopy can be set to mirror whole directories, only copy new files, ignore certain files or folders and much more.
      You will find RoboCopy.exe in the NT Resource Kit and might even find a copy at
      Good Luck.

      • #3769032

        Updating my files

        by jerom ·

        In reply to Updating my files

        I don’t use NT, another program for windows 9x?

    • #3779897

      Updating my files

      by sdfgsdf ·

      In reply to Updating my files

      if you are using windows 95/98/nt/2000 you can use the briefcase program located in your start menu.

      • #3769033

        Updating my files

        by jerom ·

        In reply to Updating my files

        The briefcase use too much space of my disk

    • #3770043

      Updating my files

      by aerosolben ·

      In reply to Updating my files

      I suggest that you use ComponentSoftware RCS 2.5. It can keep track of changes in a variety of file types, including executables, and is freeware, so you will not need to purchase a license. Look for it on It will work on windows 9x platforms as well as NT. Hope this helps.

      • #3765579

        Updating my files

        by jerom ·

        In reply to Updating my files

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3765578

      Updating my files

      by jerom ·

      In reply to Updating my files

      This question was closed by the author

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