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  • #2142191

    Upgrade older hp machine.

    by noname56098 ·


    Hi, I’m doing a little project on a quite older machine. The hp compaq elite 8000 and seeing how far I can push the limits, I was wondering if I could replace the processer and add a dedicated graphics card. I want to replace the CPU with a intel i3-3220. ive seen many people work on this machine and add processers like this, but just to be safe.

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    • #2416678


      by bob.b ·

      In reply to Upgrade older hp machine.

      Run this and post a link to the results.

      Also tell what psu is in the machine.
      Make and model.

    • #2416673
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      It’s a small world and that’s a small case.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Upgrade older hp machine.

      Your upgrade options are limited but if you wanted to get more out of this PC here’s my list in order of payback.

      1. Ditch the HDDs and change them over to SSD. This will be IMO your best upgrade.
      2. Consider moving to 8 or 16GB RAM. Check for what to order.
      3. Graphics can be a pain as I don’t know what you are expecting to run.
      My nod is to a low profile 1050 Ti card but that may be overkill or not enough depending on your goals. Tell more.

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