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  • #2144582

    Upgrading to SSD. Cloned the disk now need to know what to do next

    by k9kiloalpha ·


    I cloned my HDD to SSD through SATA to USB adapter. I only have one slot and when I look at the disk management tool it shows all the partitions were cloNed. The OS partition in the new drive just shows it’s a partition and I’m trying to figure out how to make the new disk with C:\ and make it the boot partition.

    Since I have one slot I’d like to know what to do now. It’s windows 10 so the bios settings isn’t like what I’m used to. It’s a HP ENVY 23 all in one.

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    • #2422904

      Clone method matters.

      by ryanmcbride777 ·

      In reply to Upgrading to SSD. Cloned the disk now need to know what to do next

      If you cloned the drive correctly, there should be nothing you need to do except boot up your machine and maybe run a chkdsk /f

      How did you clone your HDD to SSD? I upgrade HDDs to SSDs dozens of times per week using Clonezilla. It’s free, easy to use, and I have never had an issue.

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