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  • #2142003

    USB stick freezes explorer

    by kossayzemzem ·


    So I got this (8 Gb FAT32, barely 2 years old) usb stick and I have been using it only on my personal computer.
    For some reason whenever I open any file (They all show up normally) the explorer stops working and the moment I remove the usb stick everything goes back to normal.
    I tried analyzing it for problems and also formatting but both operations simply didn’t respond.
    One last detail I can mention is that the usb stick doesn’t show in the Defragmentation list.
    Is this a software problem that can be fixed? Thanks.

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  • Author
    • #2416957

      Usb stick

      by bob.b ·

      In reply to USB stick freezes explorer

      Test in all usb ports.
      Boot up a copy of linux to see what it thinks about the stick.

      • #2416954


        by kossayzemzem ·

        In reply to Usb stick

        I have tried a diffrent usb ports but same deal (I even tried another computer)
        As for linux I really didn’t understand what you meant by that.. Do you mean I install linux and try with it? I have never installed a system on my own.

        • #2416953
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          Re: Linux

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to Reply

          No need to install Linux on your hard disk. You can boot it from a DVD your burn yourself, or a USB-stick you can put it on.

        • #2416934


          by kossayzemzem ·

          In reply to Re: Linux

          Ok then! I will look further into the process and update you when I get to test the USB stick on linux. Thanks

        • #2416931


          by bob.b ·

          In reply to Reply

          Run …….linux portable looks like windows…..through google.

          Do some reading and pick one.

          Put it on a flash stick or a disc.

          Set the bios to boot from the stick or disc and boot it up.

          Use the file explorer to see what it has to say about the problem flash stick.

          I keep a copy of zorin tucked away in a draw just as a second opinion tool.

        • #2419781

          Update on the test.

          by kossayzemzem ·

          In reply to Linux

          Hey! Sorry for the delay, I have been very busy for the past few months.
          I finally tried the USB stick in Ubuntu and it’s the same problem: The “explorer” shows the files fine but the moment I try to open something things start freezing until I remove the stick.
          Could it possibly be a hardware issue? (I do hope not tho)

    • #2419780
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      Time to stop opening files. COPY THEM OUT. DO NOT REPAIR THE FILE SYSTEM!

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to USB stick freezes explorer

      At this point it’s all about data recovery. For Windows I like to use RECUVA to see if the files can be recovered for free.

      For Linux I use the command line and the copy command but RECUVA is what everyday folk will use.

      As to the stick, you never try to fix it UNTIL the files are out and safe. USB drives are TOO UNRELIABLE to hold the only and last copy of files you can’t lose. Yes they are convenient but too unreliable (worth repeating) to go without backup copies. Also they have finite lifespans.

      -> Let’s hope RECUVA can get these files out. [b]STOP[/b] trying to open files from the USB drive. The only action that should be done now is to get the files out (RECUVA, copying etc.) DO NOT WRITE TO THIS DRIVE!

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