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  • #2144993

    Use mobile or fixed line phone with 4g router internal sim card

    by louis97w ·

    Hope someone can help as all enquiries are the ‘wrong way round’ for me. I want to buy a 4G router but need to know how to access the sim to make calls.
    The story so far. I had a TP-Link MR600 with an normal phone card in it (60mb data unlimited texts calls) but had a problem. I could use the router software to send texts ? but even their suctomer support could not tell me how to access the sim card as a phone. I know the Huawei 525 can do this by simply plugging in a landline phone but I like the look of the Asus routers. Bottom line is with the MR600 the card calls were in a block of concrete and so wasted.
    Everywhere I look I get, how to make your phone a wifi hotspot, I want the opposite.
    If I can get a 4G router to work to call with the sim card I can switch from my naff landline system, so…

    So using an Asus RT-AC68U as an example, it has a sim 4G sim card inside with data and unlimited calls. It has USB ports but no RJ11 only a set of RJ45 ports.
    I switch it on and use PCs and tablets etc just fine. I now have no landline so want to make calls using the card in the router.
    How does that work ?
    Can I buy an adapter to connect a landline (analog) phone to an RJ45 port ?
    Can I use an android phone with no sim to connect via wifi and make calls ?
    If either of the above work then when I call out people will see the router sim number, when someone calls me on that number the connected phone will ring ?

    This could well be just some setup options but I have no idea on such things. I don’t want to use Skype etc as they require the other person to have that and I sometimes call landlines, I can buy a sim that gives unlimited calls to europe (where I am) mobiles and landlines so better to just use that, no software no charges.
    We have mobiles but only with basic pay as you go cards with little or no data, we never use it out and about. So we will end up with 2 mobiles with basic cards to allow calls to mobiles and landlines in this country, all we need. And we will have a 4G sim with 100GB of data and unlimited european mobile and landline calls in the wifi router, this will be our ‘home phone’ and internet connection.

    Hope I have explained correctly. Since all I can find are demos of phone hotspot setup I hope someone can say, take a no sim android mobile and set the wifi up like this, then set the router to recognise it like this and job done.

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  • Author
    • #2423403


      by ankitsingh213506 ·

      In reply to Use mobile or fixed line phone with 4g router internal sim card

      If you have little use of internet on Laptop then go for the mobile hotspot, but if you are a heavy user, then go for4G router.
      Or you can use 2nd mobile with 4G sim to connect your Phone data to Laptop

    • #2418451

      Same Problem

      by rlscon ·

      In reply to Use mobile or fixed line phone with 4g router internal sim card

      Hi Louis97w,

      Did you manage to find a solution to this as I have the same scenario. A SIM card with unlimited Data, Calls and Texts, but whilst the SIM card is in the Router, I have no known way to use any of the Unlimited Calls (and the texts can only be used by logging into the router). Surely there must be a solution by now?

    • #2416146


      by mk28624 ·

      In reply to Use mobile or fixed line phone with 4g router internal sim card

      I would also be interested in such a solution.

      In other words, the solution would be a software or hardware that would make it possible for the router and the SIM in the router to act as a device making a call, and passing this call (voice) to some other local device (e.g. mobile handset, tablet, no-sim mobile) that a user can use for a call

      – which is basically like taking the SIM from the router, putting it in the mobile handset and making the call, but without the need of taking the SIM in the first place.

      Any ideas? Anyone?

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