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  • #4002834

    Users failing to print

    by sahanic ·

    Has anyone experienced issues where users suddenly can’t print. The problem seems to be spreading where one-by-one, users who were able to print to network printers are no longer able to. They are configured to print directly via the printer’s IP address. The dialog shows error printing. The machines are Windows 10 and the printers are Konica Minolta

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    • #4002856
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      Need more information

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Users failing to print

      Please clarify your problem more clearly. Is there any specific error message? Are there any known network issues? What have you done to troubleshoot? Any recent hardware or software updates?

      Too many possibilities to mention until you clarify.

      • #4002859

        Reply To: Users failing to print

        by sahanic ·

        In reply to Need more information

        That’s the thing. The only error thrown is “error printing document” from the print dialogue box. I can ping the printer with no issues. Uninstalled then re-installed the printer with the same result. Other users are able to print to the same printer. So far, it has occurred on 2 printers with 6 affected users. Nothing changed on the network. Mapping the affected user to a different printer works fine

    • #4002860
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      Reply To: Users failing to print

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Users failing to print

      Maybe the printer is used to print something from another user when somebody else starts to print also?

      The common way to do network printing is to use a print server to manage the queues for the printer. Like the spooler in Windows 10 Home or Pro does for the prints on that PC. I doubt if the spooler on a PC takes into account the print jobs from another PC. That should only work if each PC is linked by WiFi to it’s own printer used by nobody else. But then I wouldn’t call it network printers.

      So please tell more about your network. Or contact Minolta what server software on what server they advise.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4004723

      Reply To: Users failing to print

      by Willjoe24 ·

      In reply to Users failing to print

      Fix printer connection and printing problems in Windows
      Unplug and restart your printer.
      Check cables or wireless connection.
      Uninstall and reinstall your printer.
      Install the latest driver for your printer.
      Clear and reset the print spooler.
      Change a printer’s status to “online”


    • #4009563

      Reply To: Users failing to print

      by petergroft ·

      In reply to Users failing to print

      Paper Jams and Ghost Jams
      Remove the rear duplexer and grip any of the four rollers. Do they move freely? If no, your next step is to . . .
      Touch two of the brass contact points with a paper clip. Bridging this contact makes the printer think the duplexer is still installed, and you’ll want to maintain this contact all the way through the final step.
      Press OK on the control panel.
      Take a look at the white plastic gears on the left-hand side. Do they move freely, or do they stall, skip, freeze, or jam? If it’s the second scenario, you have paper shards, which you will need to clear from the gears.
      Grip the furthest rubber roller and rotate. Check for shards of paper in the gear teeth.
      Once the rollers and gears spin freely, you’ve cleared the ghost jam, and you can remove the paper clip and reassemble it.


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