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  • #2141524

    Using a 2007 TechRepublic guide for saving email (non pst)

    by lcamillemcw ·


    I found a tutorial from 2007 on this website on creating folders in My Documents to save Outlook email without creating a .pst file. I copied it but forgot to get the URL, so I cannot link you. The tutorial was written by Erik Eckel. Will that work with the most current iteration of Windows 10? (Or do you need to see the original tutorial? I’ll keep looking for it.)

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    • #2413451
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      The answer might be yes.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Using a 2007 TechRepublic guide for saving email (non pst)

      Since I didn’t see a cloud based Outlook in 2007 I’m guessing you are still running Outlook 2007 on Windows 10 (yes, it still works fine.)

      This means the steps should still work.

    • #2413446

      This caught me out just recently with a new install of Office

      by the master2 ·

      In reply to Using a 2007 TechRepublic guide for saving email (non pst)

      The default option seems to be to leave a copy on the Mail Server so things could be quite right that the mail box is getting full as whoever supplies your E Mail limits the size of the mail box on their servers.

      What you need do is go into the setup and change the settings to Delete Mail from the Server the description changes with different versions of Office but it’s all basicially the same just look in the Help Files on how to do this on your version of Office.

      Then you’ll need to use your Web Mail from your ISP to delete all of the stored read E Mails on their server.

      As for PST Files the bigger that they are the more buggy Oultook becomes if you where to ever get a PST File to around the Terrabyts size I wouldn’t be expecting Outlook to open at all lety alone within a reasonable timefarme.

      Ideally keeping the PST File below the 1 Gigabyte Size is probably the best as much bigger things get ver slow.

      • #2413443

        Thank you, The Master2!

        by lcamillemcw ·

        In reply to This caught me out just recently with a new install of Office

        MicroSoft is the one setting a limit on my email inbox and this is something they just recently started doing. I was hoping that downloading everything from their servers onto my computer would fix the problem, but apparently not. (Maybe I should have deleted everything from their servers right after the download and I didn’t, so maybe this is on me.) ~ I’m going to try the procedure given in the tutorial and hope that works, I’d like to stay away from .pst files no matter what, based on past experiences. I’ll get back to this thread and let you know how that went.

        • #2413436
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          Re: “their servers”

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to Thank you, The Master2!

          I assume you mean the mail servers at your mail provider. Back in 2013 that used to be the on premise Exchange server of your employer or so.

          But it’s very well possible to link Outlook to any pop3 or imap-server. If you prefer to use Outlook to look at the contents of your account, you can do that.

          So who is “they”?

        • #2413432

          “They” is MicroSoft

          by lcamillemcw ·

          In reply to Re: “their servers”

          When I first open a hotmail acct in 2000, there was no apparent limit to the email inbox. In fact, I never got any sort of information as to size limits. It’s only been in the last year that they have set limits. All this time, I thought my email was being downloaded directly to my computer. When I upgraded either my computer or version of Office, twice, and tried to save email by creating ,pst files, both times I lost everything. ~ When I started getting warnings last year about the inbox size, I checked and Outlook had not been installed on this PC, so I ran set-up, installed it,and downloaded everything from the MICROSOFT servers. It took hours. I’m pretty sure my mistake was not in then deleting everything from time MS exchange servers,

          My question is how can I save my email without using the .pst function?

        • #2413429
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          Small world.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to “They” is MicroSoft

          I have folk at the office running Outlook 2003 on Windows 10 and nothing has changed. It still works fine. Also, any backup system still works the same.

          -> There were no changes brought upon us due to Windows 10.

        • #2413428
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          Re: saving mail

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to “They” is MicroSoft

          Any e-mail client that can make a pop3-connection to can be used for that to download files from the inbox in hotmail. Try Thunderbird.

          It makes a lot of sense to limit the size of a “folder” in Thundebird (a folder in Thunderbird) is a file in Windows. So, once in a while, move files from your inbox to different folders and compact the inbox.

          This, however, is NOT the way to backup the other hotmail folders, like Sent and the address book. For that, have a look at .
 looks promising. But I don’t know how to look at the backed up content.

          However, I don’t see any reason to prefer Thunderbird or one of these methods to MS Outlook, since it supports an unlimited number of 2 GB pst-files.

          Only people who refuse to spend time to save attachments to folders in Documents and to delete mails that are no longer relevant, need many GB’s of storage space per year. They are called hoarders.

        • #2413427

          Well there has always been a Upper Limit

          by the master2 ·

          In reply to “They” is MicroSoft

          But if you deleted the files on the Hot Mail Server as you got the E Mail then you would never have seen it or at least been very unlikely to have even been notified that oyu where near the upper limit.

          After all Microsoft or Hot Mail never had unlimited Space on the drives for users it’s only been with recent versions of Outlook that they leave the E Mails on the Servers instead of deleting them as they are downloaded. Works quite well for a Company who has to have all E Mails available in case something is required by whomever but it does take a lot of space particuarly if you like me get a lot of E Mail and Spam I have one guy who sends me over 100 Meg of Jokes per day so a few 15 + Meg Videos soon add up quite quickly.

          As for not wanting PST Files as suggested above try Thunderbird from Monzilla but if you leave the e mails on the server you’ll get the same message just the way that things work no ISP allows you Unlimited Space on their servers it just common sense it costs them money so they want to get paid for it. They all give you a specified amount and when you start to reach that limit you should get notifications and then eventually you stop getting any new E Mail as the Mail Box is Full.

          When that happens you have to go in with a Web Browser and enter your User Name and Password and delete the stored E Mail from the server of the company Hosting your E Mail. Be that an ISP G Mail or Hot Mail or any other place that hosts your E Mail.

          If you use the Web Mail Option of accessing Hot Mail yu do not have the option to store your E Mail on your computer by default it is left on the Server and will eventually fill your Mail Box and when that happens you get no new E Mail delivered it gets rejected and bounced back tot he sender. How long that takes all depends on how much you get recently it took me 8 days to fill the Mail Box on my ISP Server but I’ve seen others who takes years to fill them up so it all depends on how much you get and how big attachments are.

          Outlook teands to be set to TORE your downloaded E Mail as a PST File but that doesn’t mean that is the way it works on every computer it all depends on how it is setup and it can be set to not keep any Mail on your Computer but just look at the Web Mail Server and only show that. If that was how it was setup ages ago and you deleted all mail on the ISP Server then yes you would have los t all your E Mail however that is nothign to do with a PST File it is all about how it was setup.

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