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  • #3951101

    Using Office 2010

    by davidmarks57 ·

    I am running Windows 10 on my home PC and have Office 2010 installed. I am aware that support is disappearing soon and my question is will it be safe to continue using Office 2010 or do I need to upgrade to Office 365 ( which I think is Office 2019 )
    I like using the Outlook option for email. It is clear and uncluttered and I would like to continue using it. As far as the other Office apps are concerned I only use Publisher and Word.
    I believe without new security updates any emails with attachments ‘might’ contain a virus which would not be spotted but I believe that as long as all I do is right click the attachments and run my anti-virus software to check them before opening them I would be ok.

    Can anyone advise what my best options are.

    I have been told that if I upgrade to Office 2019 there is no going back to Office 2010 if I don’t like it and that when I upgrade my pc ( which I will be doing sometime ) I won’t be able to continue using Office 2010 anyway.

    Thanks in advance.

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    • #3951103
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      Funny you should mention

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Using Office 2010

      I am using a computer with Windows 11 installed and running MS Office 2007 Enterprise still with no issues.

      I do agree that if you upgrade to a newer version of Office then you won’t easily reinstall an older version and I don’t know why you would want to anyhow.

    • #3951108
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      I’m worse than that.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Using Office 2010

      We’re still on Office 2003 with the compatibility pack. We’ve found zero reasons to change.

      What support do you use? For us we haven’t used Microsoft Support for over two decades.

      As to said virus, I see that MACROs have been disabled for over a decade. That’s where the virus would be. Otherwise a document is a document and a cigar is a cigar.

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