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  • #2081160

    Using Zebra Printers in VB


    by csanosi ·

    I need to print a label to a Zebra printer from within a VB app. I have the code to select the printer and am sending it the required ZPL strings. My problem is that the label printer is printing the strings without converting them. Does anyone know what control characters I can send to the printer from VB to tell it to convert the strings before printing them?

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    • #3896095

      Using Zebra Printers in VB

      by mikedale ·

      In reply to Using Zebra Printers in VB

      The company I work for in New Zealand sells label printers like zebra, Datamax, etc.
      If you install the windows driver for the Zebra printer then use the Printer Object in VB to output data to the printer, the printer driver will do the convertion for you.

      Hope this helps

      Mike Dale

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