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  • #2123505

    VB – calling a function in an extnal DLL


    by simon.wellborne ·


    I hope I can explain my problem clearly, so here goes:

    I have an external DLL with various functions (written in C if this makes
    any difference?).

    I delcare it:
    Declare Function SomeFunction Lib “some.dll” (ByVal str1 As String, ByRef
    vartype1 As newType) As Long

    The DLL is coded in C and the programmer told me that newType should be:

    typedef struct
    char *m_szDateTimeReceived;
    char *m_szFrom;
    char *m_szTo;
    char *m_szSubject;
    char *m_szDateTimeSent;
    char *m_szCC;
    char *m_szReplyTo;
    char *m_szCompany;

    What should this typedef look like in VB?

    I started with
    m_szDateTimeReceived As String
    m_szFrom As String
    m_szTo As String
    m_szSubjectAs String
    m_szDateTimeSent As String
    m_szCC As String
    m_szReplyTo As String
    m_szCompany As String
    End Type

    Now, when I called the function using all the above, VB blew itself to
    smithers. So, on the instruction of the DLL programmer (who was graciously
    helping me despite his stated lack of VB knowledge) changed the “string”
    type to “Long”.
    m_szDateTimeReceived As Long
    m_szFrom As Long

    Now this had some better results.

    When I called the necessaryfunction “somefunction(, varTest (where
    varTest is of type newType)) I get something back.

    I was expecting a string as a result, but now get a number. (Have I lost
    you all?)

    What am I doing wrong?

    The programmer says ”
    The items inthe structure are “C” style character pointers, which are 4
    bytes. String is larger, probably why you are seeing a problem. I’m not sure
    exactly how the structure elements are changed to String unfortunately. Each
    Long is really a Byte * something allocated by the DLL which, if not 0
    contains the string you need.”

    Is the numebr bring returned a pointer? If so, how do I deal with it?

    Any help appreciated.


All Comments

  • Author
    • #3561924

      VB – calling a function in an extnal DLL

      by awimsatt ·

      In reply to VB – calling a function in an extnal DLL

      My VB knowledge is also limited but have you tried the following?

      m_szDateTimeReceived As Variant
      m_szFrom As Variant
      m_szTo As Variant
      m_szSubject As Variant
      m_szDateTimeSent As Variant
      m_szCC As Variant
      m_szReplyTo As Variant
      m_szCompany As Variant
      End Type

      When retrieving data from the dll, just type cast it using cSTR() to convert it to String. I hope this helps. Though it is just a guess. I’ve never setup a Type struct in VB.


    • #3561148

      VB – calling a function in an extnal DLL

      by simon.wellborne ·

      In reply to VB – calling a function in an extnal DLL

      This question was closed by the author

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