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  • #2101530

    Vendor Supported Virus Updates


    by jwclark ·

    I would like to find out the industry trend regarding virus updates and vendor responsibility. I need opinions from other IT professionals on this subject. The situation that has occurred with all of the new virus?s that are plaguing us lately is that some of my clients have been concerned with virus updates. My belief is that when a vendor sells a solution, it is the responsibility of the client to update there severs with the latest virus software updates. Please give me feedback on this subject.



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    • #3635854

      My opinion is

      by radiic ·

      In reply to Vendor Supported Virus Updates

      From a Network Adminstrator’s point of view:
      If its a computer or piece of equipment on my network than I am responsible for it. I use trend micro anti-virus and all updates to servers and workstations and exchange servers is automatic.

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