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  • #2086638

    video card memory identification


    by techrep ·

    I have an assortment of video cards that have been replaced or otherwise thrown aside. MOST of them do not show a BIOS screen at startup that states the amount of memory on the card. Anyone know how to determine that?

    Most interested in RAGE IIc and RAGE Pro, also Intel 740


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    • #3864501

      video card memory identification

      by paulfr2 ·

      In reply to video card memory identification

      Check out the Manufacturer’s website (i.e. for the rage video cards or for the intel video cards.)

      The RageIIc I believe has 4MB’s of RAM, not sure about the Intel 740.

      Yep ATI has a great website for that kind of information, just checked it out myself.

      I’m sure Intel does as well.

      Let me know if this works or not for you.



    • #3863019

      video card memory identification

      by tbradley ·

      In reply to video card memory identification

      Sometimes its just impossible to see any identifications, so if all else fails…

      Get ahold of Dos 5.0 – 6.22, make a bootable floppy, and run MSD. It will tell you

      failing that, use good old debug

      1. From a DOS prompt, Win 3.x, Win9x, WinNT, or Win2K command prompt type DEBUG and press Enter.
      2. A single dash will appear at which point type DC000:35 and then press Enter (DC000:50 may also work for newer cards).
      3. You may need to type D at the second dash and press Enter for all of the information to appear.
      4. You will observe the following screen:

      ( screen is omitted ), but it will tell you name of the card, model, memory etc

      above was found on S3 web site

      • #3863017

        video card memory identification

        by tbradley ·

        In reply to video card memory identification

        forgot… use q at the final – to exit debug.

        also, msd can be found on the win95 cdrom in

        x:\other\msd.exe ( x is cdrom letter )

      • #3862291

        video card memory identification

        by techrep ·

        In reply to video card memory identification

        most helpful of all answers. only one gets credit. I ended up using dxdiag (installs with DirectX drivers).

    • #3862386

      video card memory identification

      by robert young ·

      In reply to video card memory identification

      If the cards have an FCC ID number, check out They have an excellent search engine where you input the ID number and it “should” direct you to the correct page with drivers, info etc on your specific card.

      Bob Young

    • #3862289

      video card memory identification

      by techrep ·

      In reply to video card memory identification

      This question was closed by the author

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