Video Playback Issues
I am having problems when attempting to watch online videos. Every time a video loads/buffers while playing it will stutter, lag and the sound will glitch.
It was annoying but tolerable until I had my ISP come out and fix my internet so that I am sitting at 170MB/s speeds. Now videos online are night unwatchable.
This problem has persisted for a while and since it started I have upgraded or replaced my GPU, CPU, PSU, new Sound Card and new Network Card. I have re-installed just about all of the drivers that might have anything to do with this problem. Short of a new MOBO I am at my wits end trying too solve the problem after having run through just about every suggestion online when browsing threads and search results. Any help is greatly appreciated. I can post up computer specs when I get home from work if needed or required. Thanks in advance.