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  • #2141421

    Video Software with Interactive Bookmarks/Table of Contents

    by kbohrer84 ·


    Hi all! I have created a video in Camtasia 2020 (about 2 hours long) with lots of bookmarks and exported it as an HTML5 with SCORM Version 2004 3rd Edition enabled and the video isn’t playing. I thought it was just because it needs to be uploaded to an LMS to play, but when I tried uploading the zip folder to Cornerstone LMS it gives an error referencing a specific line and position number. The only function in the video are markers for the table of contents (no quizzes, annotations, slides, etc.) so I’m not sure what it’s referencing with the line and position number.

    My question is 1. Does anyone know how to get the video from Camtasia 2020 to work? I exported it without SCORM enabled and I’m able to open & play the HTML5 in the browser, but it won’t load to Cornerstone without SCORM enabled. If no one has any ideas on that (not expecting it since it seems like a weird issue that I can’t give much detail on) – does anyone know of any other video editing software that has the Table of Contents/Bookmarks function? With it being a 2 hour video that we want to use for training, having those bookmarks they can click into is essential. Thanks for any help or suggestions!

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