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    Video Software/Is it safe to upgrade Sierra for iMovie?

    by sjamestown ·

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m a teacher and I’ve been tasked to record some workshops to make into a video from home during lockdown. As I’ve not really any video editing experience most of the articles I’ve read point me towards using iMovie. I’m on a 2017 MacAir running Sierra 10.12.6 which I’ve avoided upgrading because the system runs beautifully (and I’ve heard Apple don’t have great backwards compatibility). But if I don’t upgrade the OS – I can’t download iMovie from the App Store.

    Do you think I should it? Or is there another alternative app/programme that would run well?

    I really want to minimise any risk of my Macbook playing up as I don’t know how I’d get it fixed during lockdown.

    Thanks a lot in advance guys,


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