General discussion
viewing live webcasts via attblueroom(javelin direct)
LockedHas someone else had problems viewing at&t blueroom live webcasts?I run into trouble every time,since first viewing “Bonnaroo” back in June.AT&T is my provider,and i use XP,WMP10,and update often,(using Brian Livingstone’s and Tech Republic’s suggestions).
I have used many measures,including:
remove/reinstall & update:
browser(and clearing caches)
sys restore to last good view
Macromedia Flash
all my security(incl.popup blocker)
My 2 video apps.
& viewing with firefox,IE6,and the standard at&t yahoo browsers,(v3).Early failures were announced as a codec error,i dutifully went to look it up,and suprise,unpublished.
This past weekend,the error read as a scripting error.No matter which choice i made,i still had a black and silent screen.This is frustrating,to say the least.
MS has sent me some new steps,but of course i can’t apply them till the next live webcast…
If anyone has encountered this,Please Advise.
Thank You