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  • #2143908

    vifs reports “editing error.” Now what?

    by rwetmore ·

    Starting getting some squirrelly behavior from my external drives (sometimes they would mount read-only, sometimes not). Parallels failed because the drive the filestore was on was suddenly read-only. Then I had a RAID 1 fail because apparently (I had to reboot before I could figure it out completely) one of the drives was read-only and the other wasn’t.

    So I turned to trusty vifs to try to solve this except when I type sudo vifs, all I get is a little “vifs: editing error” response. Uh, what do I do now?

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    • #2416258

      Editing fstab on MacOS without using vifs

      by jfhjfh ·

      In reply to vifs reports “editing error.” Now what?

      If /etc/fstab already exists, you can edit directly. I know Apple says not to, but since vifs isn’t working…

      If you don’t have an fstab file, just create one. The permissions need to be -rw-r–r– (644), owner root, group wheel.

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