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  • #2141033

    Visual Studio Code Saying “Select Environment” When I press start (solved)

    by pekkakorhonen26 ·


    I just one day got this problem, where Visual Studio Code tells me to select environment. Every time i press F5 or Start Debugging in my C# script, it says “Select environment”. The options are “.NET, .NET CORE”. I do have .NET installed, but when i try to press the options, they don’t do anything.
    I really hate this thing, does someone have a solution?

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    • #2413308
      Avatar photo

      Sounds like a clean install?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Visual Studio Code Saying “Select Environment” When I press start (solved)

      “I cd my way to the root of my new ASP.Net Core Web Application and type the magical phrase “code .”. Up it fires. I feel lucky, let’s hit “F5”. Huh, a dropdown shows up saying “Select Environment” and offering me the options of Chrome and Node. Neither do I want. It’s about this time I remember this is a clean install of VS Code and doesn’t yet have the C# extension installed. In fact, if I open a C# file it up it tells me and recommends that I install. Well that’s nice. I take it up on the kind offer; install and reload.”

      • #2413307

        I have the C# extension

        by pekkakorhonen26 ·

        In reply to Sounds like a clean install?

        I already have the needed extensions for it, i have used Visual Studio Code for maybe a week now, and it has worked perfectly. Until today of course.

        • #2413306


          by proffitt ·

          In reply to I have the C# extension

          Here I have Visual Studio so I can’t replicate your issue.

          As Windows and such updates often you may have to uninstall and reinstall and if this fails contact Microsoft for a fix.

          Remember I can’t check if you have the extensions or installed them as per so when this fails, it’s you and Microsoft.

        • #2413305

          I don’t know why, but it fixed itself!

          by pekkakorhonen26 ·

          In reply to Here

          I pressed “File” in the up-left corner, and pressed “New window”.
          Then it just magically started working again!

        • #2413304
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          “And just like that”

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to I don’t know why, but it fixed itself!

          You have experienced the usual issues with a lot of Microsoft products.

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