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  • #2080680

    VPN ????


    by phen ·

    I need a tip on how to configer a Netopia 7200 series router/firewall on a NT 4.0 server. This is my first time working on this router. I’v always used Cisco’s product but they are too expensive now. If anyone can help me setup the VPN it will be a big help for me also. I don’t have a lot of points to give but I will give you all I have. Thanks.

    Points (548)


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    • #3893218

      VPN ????

      by calves ·

      In reply to VPN ????

      I don’t know about your router, but if you are going to implement the PPTP (VPN) on the NT 4, you can come to my site @ – network and learn everything you need for the VPN. As for the router, all you need is to point therequests for the VPN port to the server that hosts the PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol – On NT go to properties of Network Neighborhood, protocol, add and select PPTP).
      I hope this was clear enough. As for the points, keep it! Use on something more important…

      Good Luck!

      • #3777660

        VPN ????

        by phen ·

        In reply to VPN ????

        Thanks for the answer!

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