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  • #3937502

    vpn blocked

    by chris76ty ·

    if people use a vpn to bypass local blackouts of sports streams when they sign up for streaming services don’t they have to make up a fake address when they sign up for the service? also wouldn’t the service be able to see a billing address on the credit card used? Why wouldn’t the service use that to determine blackouts?

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    • #3939610
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      It appears that it’s yes to your yes or no questions.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to vpn blocked

      As to the last question there are longer other discussions about what sports and other streaming services are doing to ensure compliance. Since that’s well done, is there some other question here?

      • #3939609


        by chris76ty ·

        In reply to It appears that it’s yes to your yes or no questions.

        Yes, take me off your membership you sound like assholes.

        • #3939608
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          Sorry that I upset you.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Re

          The question has been batted around before on the web and usually the person is not interested in the how but rather how to get around geo-locks.

          My goal here was to save all the long discussion that usually ends with “OK, so how do I get around the geo-locks?”

        • #3939607
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          Your free membership does not allow you freedom to belittle others

          by Wizard57M-TR ·

          In reply to Re

          Doing so to moderators is just plain STUPID, enjoy your ban, this thread is now closed…see ya in 10 yrs.
          (another moderator)

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