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    VR – what if you’re recuperating in bed for months?

    by coughlinl ·


    Hi, my brother is starting a long recuperation from surgery and will be in bed for months (probably til May). I was thinking of buying him a VR system so that he could “escape” for periods of time. After he recuperates, he’ll be in a wheelchair. Does anyone have suggestions for what type of systems and games would be best for those who have limited mobility? He was very active and athletic his wheelchair, but from what I read, I’m unsure if walking is needed. I’m envisioning holding the controllers vs. wheeling around and how to play. I also wanted to know if he was on his set in Oregon, could I be on one in MD and play against each other? We’re typically NOT gamers, so we’ll need to start at a basic level. Thanks for your input.

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