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  • #2125902

    W32.Magistr.24876@mm Virus


    by coin03 ·

    I have successfully eliminated this virus on a client’s computer. My problem is: The Windows ’98 welcome banner keeps coming back everytime the computer is rebooted. The first time this message appeared an error message appeared that stated, “Windows encountered an error accessing the system registry.” Windows will restart & repair the system registry for you. That error has stopped. I checked the scanreg.exe files and the last five have starts – so I believe that has repaired itself. I am just stumped how to stop the Welcome banner. It’s annoying!! thanks for your help

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    • #3426518

      Look it up on the boot.ini

      by blue.sun ·

      In reply to W32.Magistr.24876@mm Virus

      I believe you mean the Windows welcome logo ,if that’s right ,I’d stop searching the registry .
      The logo is actually set up in the boot.ini .Look up a line that says something like logo= .The possible values are 1 (enabled ,probably the one on yourboot file) and 0 or disabled. Set it to 0.
      Much easier than going for the registry hives…

    • #3443632

      Last Resort

      by rdschaefer ·

      In reply to W32.Magistr.24876@mm Virus

      On the bottom left of the banner should be a check box that says something like “Show this welcome screen next time….” Uncheck it.

      If that doesn’t work, find WELCOME.EXE and either delete it or rename it.


      P.S. Ignore the previous post, he obviously didn’t catch the ’98!

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