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  • #4287860

    Want to use/learn Linux but don’t know where to start

    by cshives ·


    I want to start using Linux but I don’t know where to start. How do I know which commands to use, should I just use Google to figure it out until I think I got it figured out? Or is there like something I can do before hand like practice in a simulator or something like that.

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    • #4287966
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      Reply To: Want to use/learn Linux but don’t know where to start

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Want to use/learn Linux but don’t know where to start

      Start with a book like . When you mastered that, it’s time for a more advanced book. There are many.

      It helps to install Linux on a second hard disk on your pc, so you can boot directly into it while studying and practising. Or, if you can afford it, buy a simple refurbished laptop or desktop, install Linux and go for it.

    • #4287968
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      Been using Linux since about 1993

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Want to use/learn Linux but don’t know where to start

      Today I boot it up, start Firefox or LibreOffice but never think about “Linux.”

      So what commands did I use? NONE. Not a single one.

      What do we need commands for today?

      • #4287970
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        Reply To: Want to use/learn Linux but don’t know where to start

        by kees_b ·

        In reply to Been using Linux since about 1993

        Some people need it, for example if they work with a company that runs a webserver or their own cloud under Linux or specialises in cybersecurity consulting.

        Apparently cshives wants such a career. Then it helps to know some basics about Linux when you start a bachelor and master in IT, I know of no other reason to learn Linux. Maybe he can explain why he wants it.

        • #4287971
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          While I admit to knowing Linux basic commands.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Reply To: Want to use/learn Linux but don’t know where to start

          The truth is that if I encounter something new I hit and learn on the fly what is needed.

          The problem as I see it is a webserver wouldn’t take much Linux knowledge. The knowledge required would be about the webserver apps. Copying files around, editing html and such would again not be Linux knowledge.

          -> Now if you mentioned managing user accounts, then we are veering toward actual Linux knowledge. Permissions, account types etc but then again many of the systems today use a GUI which means the command line is rarely seen.

    • #4287977
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      To get started with Linux,

      by Wizard57M-TR ·

      In reply to Want to use/learn Linux but don’t know where to start

      it is advisable to start with a bootable USB thumb drive. Most of the major Linux distros offer them. I use Puppy Linux, specifically S15Pup32, based on Slackware, both on a bootable USB thumb drive and “frugal” install to hard drive on my old Acer Aspire One AOA150 netbook. You can find more information about Puppy and the various “flavors” by visiting the Forum here
      There are many flavors, based on various mainstream Linux distros (Debian, Ubuntu, Void, Slackware). One thing about Puppy to keep in mind, when you boot them you are logged in as root! Yeah, some people think that isn’t secure, but when you understand how Puppy differs from other distros, you’ll appreciate being in control of YOUR PC!!

    • #4288044

      Want to use/learn Linux but don’t know where to start

      by Langflow ·

      In reply to Want to use/learn Linux but don’t know where to start

      Great choice! You can begin with a user-friendly distro like Ubuntu and use a Linux terminal simulator like Termux or web-based tools like JSLinux to practice. In addition, following a basic Linux command guide will get you comfortable very quickly!

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