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    Want to use own router with FiOS, any suggestions?

    by justin020 ·

    Hi, looking to get 2 store-bought routers for use with Verizon FiOS. Compatibility with FiOS and Routers is tricky, any advice?

    Need one for DHCP and another as an Access Point. This is not simple because we have FiOS IPTV and VoIP.

    I know I’ll need to do the following.
    -New FiOS Compatible routers (1 as DHCP + one as an Access Point)
    -MoCA adapter for IPTV from ONT to splitter that goes to Set Top Boxes.
    -New Cat6 from ONT to Router (then call Verizon to switch from Coax to CAT6 Ethernet)

    Setting up this network is going to tough.
    I’m hoping to make it as smooth & quick as possible. Should I just find a good IT specialist? Looking to avoid having strangers in the home right now.

    FiOS routers stink, even their latest hardware. I am not impressed by the speeds, the WiFi Range or the lack of features from their routers. Features are better from some $60 store bought routers.

    The best router would be one that’s easy to setup and will work with a wired AP to bring Wi-Fi to the other side of home where signal has been poor.

    My goals are to be able to have a lot of devices simultaneously and not worry about speeds. Streaming and Gaming are big.

    (I realize this would be easier if the we tossed IPTV, just can’t get everyone to cut the cord ?)

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      This post is missing details.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Want to use own router with FiOS, any suggestions?

      Most of the time we use Ethernet cable from a LAN port on the FIOS router to the new router’s WAN port and ignore the FIOS router WiFi. If the FIOS router has an option to turn off its WiFi, we do that but here the model number is missing.

      Also missing is what IPTV you are asking about. For today’s services you use their gear but for the networking it’s pretty simple unless the client wants to remove the FIOS box altogether. We can’t discuss that here because of the missing detail of which make/model box and provider details.

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