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    Ways to measure shopping behavior?

    by anitajs772395 ·


    Preeettyyy off topic but not entirely I guess? I recently read something about “revenge shopping” and its impact on the retail industry. I learned that customer behavior seems to contain the most information regarding this issue and made me think about other ways to measure them besides using our eyes. I feel like the factors that affect shoppers’ actions such as the lighting, the width of the aisle, etc. in a store could be easily recorded and compared using cameras right? Or are there other ways to measure their behaviors ? CCTV systems might be quite efficient since most stores already have those? Any thoughts?

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    • #2413271
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      I’ll disagree.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Ways to measure shopping behavior?

      CCTV would have the store owner allow and support your installation so the old methods of random sampling and statistics will save you here.

      Do you recall your classes on these topics?

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