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  • #2145137

    web development

    by anshsachdeva1996 ·

    What is better, Career as a web developer or as a software engineer? I am a CS student Are there good jobs for web developers?
    Also, let me know which one has more pay scale.

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All Answers

  • Author
    • #2422601

      Career as a developer

      by varnishakalra74 ·

      In reply to web development

      It completely depends on the interest whether u have interest in ios and android app development or web development or u want to be a software engineer (link removed by moderator). If u ask someone experienced in developing line you will notice that they will be confused because going straight there is not much difference.

      A software engineer is someone who builds software for eg. Joomla, photoshop, etc.
      And A web developer is a software engineer that build web applications.

    • #2422574

      Web Development

      by madhuri001 ·

      In reply to web development

      Web development is the work involved in developing a web site for the Internet or an intranet. Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, and social network services.

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